Whether you are a dental assistant or planning to become one, cleaning the dental instruments is like a daily sunrise task at which you need to be an expert. Here is a step-by-step process of cleaning dental instruments. The process is divided into different steps, and the details of each are described below.


The cleaning of dental instruments it nothing more than removing the dirt, the organic matter along with other contaminants.

You can clean the instrument through two types of procedures, such as:

a. Manual Cleaning

Manual cleaning requires you to apply action to the surface of instruments physically. To clean them, you can use a soft-bristled brush, detergent, running water, and a sink with deep tub tap.

b. Mechanical Cleaning

Here you can make use of water jet washers or low-frequency ultrasound. They operate under different conditions of time and pressure.

Step 2: RINSE

Secondly, after cleaning the instrument, you should carefully rinse them with filtered water.

Step 3: DRYING

You must open the instruments and dry them with either compressed air pistols without oil and humidity or you can dry them with paper towels and clean lint-free cloth.


This step verifies that how efficiently you have cleaned the instruments. So if you find it necessary, clean the instrument again or replace it. Moreover, if you find damaged instruments or the ones with corrosion indications, separate and send them to re-wash.


Last but not the least for autoclave’s sterilization, the materials that are strictly cleaned and dried must be packed in packages made with material that allow the passage of steam. The best one here is a surgical paper.


It is the process that aims to destroy all microbial life forms through physical or chemical procedures. To ensure sterilization, it is important to follow all the above steps correctly.

If you have any questions in mind, please feel free to call Greatwood Dental Assisting Program at (281) 728-6012. We will be more than happy to help you.

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