In every job, employees will perform higher than average when happy and at ease
with their daily 9-5. The life of a Dental Assistant is no different. There are many
comforts and perks that come with this job, which might help explain all the smiling
faces you see every time you visit. We want to mention 5 main incentives and
influences around the career path of a Dental Assistant, to better understand why
the majority seems so pleased.
When it comes down to it, we all want to be recognized for our hard work. For
many in this field, recognition never seems to be far off. Many assistants have
reported that they often feel valued by their employer and secure in their job
greatly for this reason alone. Whether it be accommodation, flexibility or simple
verbal recognition, every individual will feel compelled to continue at their best
after their dedication has been appreciated.
Being a Dental Assistant does not confine you to a lab coat and scrubs. While many
find employment with private dental practices, this career field offers many diverse
job placements. Satisfaction was reported higher from assistants who chose to
work in a specified field rather than general dentistry. Assistant jobs, such as those
in the military or government funded practices, may offer a change of scenery
increasing moral in the work environment. While busy at times, there is often a
feeling of togetherness associated with private general practices. They offer a
“working-family” environment due to the small amounts of individuals employed.
This too helps to increase job moral and satisfaction levels.
Of course, the level of certification varies dependent upon the job at hand. An
assistant who has not been DANB certified is subject to slightly less job satisfaction
than one who has been certified. This may be related to owning the knowledge of
the career you have chosen and one’s ability to assert themselves into a workplace
they may improve. Certification level also administers a portion of a Dental
Assistants’ salary. The number one motivator for the masses has always been
money, an ability to live life affordably at minimum.
To become a dental assistant, contact us about our dental assisting program near

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