Dental cement is what your dentist uses to help secure a dental restoration such as a crown, inlay, or a fixed bridge to your teeth. The purpose of dental cement is to make sure that your dental restorations stay fixed in your mouth.

Qualities of ideal dental cement 

  • The cement should not dissolve in the presence of saliva.
  • Dental cement should not be toxic.
  • The cement should help prevent the formation of decay in the restoration area.
  • If you are going for tooth-colored restorations, the cement should not affect the color of the final restoration.
  • Once the restoration is cemented, it should not be displaced by chewing.
  • The cement should be resistant to sensitivity. It should allow you to enjoy hot and cold foods and beverages.
  • Moreover, the cement should be able to bond to hard tooth surfaces.
  • It should have a long storage life without losing effectiveness

Types of Dental Cements

There are many types of conventional dental cement mostly consisting of powder and liquid. When mixed together, they form a chemical reaction which causes the cement to set. Here are some of the type of dental cement:


Glass ionomer: It consists of a silicate glass powder and a liquid solution of polyacrylic acid. It can chemically bond to enamel and dentin and also contains fluoride ions to further protect the tooth structure.

Polycarboxylate: A dental professional may use it as a final or intermediate cement.

Resin-based cement: This type of dental cement includes resin-modified glass ionomer cementThese are specifically designed for tooth-colored restorations and can be set through a simpler procedure.

If you require further information on this topic, our experts at Greatwood Dental Assisting Program can help you with it. Visit our office or give us a call at (281) 728-6012.

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